2014 February: The algorithms FourSort, FiveSort and SixSort with their parallel versions are described in the paper "Design choices in the Quicksort family with empirical comparisons". It is available at: DesignChoices.pdf
Here the abstract:
Many variants of quicksort have been developed during the last 50
years. We describe design choices that allow classifying a few well
known members as well new comers of the quicksort family. The pros and
cons of the design choices are illustrated with extensive run-time
comparisons of the selected variants. Tests include sorting uniform
distributions, weird distributions generated by the Bentley-McIlroy
test-bench, distributions of equal values with a varying amount of
noise and distributions of sorted data with a variant amount of noise.
This collection of test shows at least that there is no overall strict
ordering when considering only single threaded algorithms. We do find
evidence that single pivot algorithms can be surpassed statistically
by two pivot algorithms, which in turn can be surpassed statistically
by three pivot algorithms. Our new algorithms FourSort and SixSort
outperform qsort with respectively 9% and 24%. Multi-threaded
variants outperform single threaded variants. As expected,
performance does not scale linearly with the number of threads
available to an algorithm. Parallel SixSort with four threads is up to
three times faster than single threaded FourSort. Performance
variances due to machine cache differences are shown abundantly.